Tejas and Dayton Society for Painters and Sculptors exhibits

I've made a huge mural-relief sculpture called Dreamscape for the K12 Gallery for Young People, 510 E. Third in exchange for working space in their new Teen Education and Joint Adult Studio,“TEJAS,” a Native American word meaning “welcome friends.”  I'm making a…

Portrait Project in Columbus!

I'm honored to be included in  Here's Looking at You: Portraits in Ohio at The Ohio Arts Council's Riffe Gallery January 27 – April 17, 2011 The Riffe Gallery showcases the work of Ohio’s artists and the collections of the state’s museums…

Sculptural Visions at Saint Gaudens National Historic Site

Sculptural Vision was a wonderful event! photos of me demonstrating my technique for casting handmade paper can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourchester/sets/72157624914312553/with/5026496703/ That's me making paper in Amalfi ( first paper-making city in Europe)

Mask-making Workshops

"About Face: The World of Puppets and Masks” open studio at Riverscape in downtown Dayton was a lot of fun As was the mask-making workshop  in Cheboygan MI

Urban Nights! SideShow 5

Here is video from the  Steamroller prints event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSptU-_9ntU I love exhibiting with the Circus Art Collective I concluded my worry-doll project (and played scrabble in Christina Peyerman's Out of ConText installation) Photos by Christine Dendy


Save the date: April 30th starting at 6:30 p.m.  http://www.daytonvisualarts.org/content/auction This year I will be donating my Stone Woman relief, I hope she goes to a good home.

Muñecas Quitapenas

My recent work "Muncecas Quitapenas" (No Worries) is inspired by Guatemalan worry dolls.  The Mayans believed that if you whispered your worries to special dolls at night, when you woke up, the worry dolls would have taken your worries away. My worry…